Monday, 18 January 2010

Derelict Property at 85 Broad Road

There has been a recent planning application for 85 Broad Road to be demolished and replaced with a large modern block of 14 apartments and ONLY 9 parking spaces. If you have not already done so please write to the Head of Planning and object. We have listed some reasons below to assist with your letters.

* No justification to demolish a perfectly good family home in favour of flats.
* Allowing flats here will encourage other developers to demolish houses of character in the area for similar purposes
* The proposed structure with 14 apartments on this plot is too large and would be over dominant from every angle.
* Surrounding properties would be significantly overlooked.
* Safety is a key issue - this would be opposite Moorlands Junior School, on a busy crossroads. This will seriously affect the safety of children going to and from school.
* Moving the access to the property from Broad Road to Temple Road has only moved the problem. The entrance would be opposite the School and at peak times will cause significant problems.
* The entrance would run adjacent to a family home which would cause noise and disturbance previously not experienced.
* Parking allocation is insufficient – 7 + 2 disabled spaces for 14 apartments are not enough.
* These types of development are slowly eroding the character of Broad Road.

We have the support of our local Labour Councilors who have already written to object and are keen to establish the views of the Sale Moor Ward Councilors, as many of their residents have children who use this crossing.

Send your letters of objection to: The Heading of Planning and Building Control, Trafford MBC, PO Box 96, Waterside House, Sale Waterside, Sale M33 7ZF before 26th January 2009
Ref: 74438/FULL/2009
Email: or comment online:


  1. The Sale and Altrincham Messenger is running an article on page 11 this week! Keep your eyes open for it.

  2. Knocking down this house is just WRONG on so many levels. It is disgusting what the owner has done - you can bet he doesn't live around here!
