In September 2009, a number of residents and shopkeepers received a letter from a Manchester firm of property experts commissioned by Trafford MBC outlining the instruction to assess the existing amenity of Warrener Street car park and its immediate surroundings, which was at a cost of £5000 to the tax payer. One of the considerations of the assessment was to investigate compulsory purchase orders on the businesses in the immediate vicinity to redevelop the site. The redevelopment considered was a new supermarket.
Trafford Heritage Society conducted a survey of local residents and businesses to ascertain public opinion about the assessment. The overwhelming consensus was for the car park to remain and to remain free, as well as for it to be resurfaced. Trafford Heritage Society then coordinated a petition for local people to indicate their opposition to any redevelopment and to communicate their wish for the car park to remain open, free and for it to be adequately maintained. More than 3000 people signed the petition within a short time.
In November 2009, Trafford MBC then confirmed the site would not be redeveloped. To show their goodwill towards the residents of Sale Moor, the Council agreed to resurface the car park. This was completed in early 2010 and was officially reopened on Saturday by the Mayor Cllr David Higgins.
Sale Moor Traders Partnership provided a range of stalls and activities from local businesses and charities. The event was well attended by local people and council representatives. Matthew Colledge, Leader of Trafford Council said he was delighted to be at the opening and:
People are very pleased that their car park here in Sale Moor has not just been saved but its actually been refurbished as well and its of great benefit to the centre here, its a buzzing centre and we want to keep it that way, which is the whole reason why we have ensured that this work has been done to demonstrate were keen to preserve centres like this to future prosperity.
In response to concerns over future charging, Matthew Colledge said:
I just want to reassure all people; customers, residents and the community there will be no charging on this site. It will remain a free parking site
Trafford Heritage Society is very pleased the Council has listened to the views of the local community and hopes this will continue.
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