"Together we can make a difference!" email: haveyoursay@ourheritage.org.uk
Sunday, 6 June 2010
Save Our Parks
Friday, 28 May 2010
Email from J Clarkson
The owners of The Sale Hotel are pleased to announce that they have agreed to sell the building and the adjoining car park to Greene King PLC, a national public house/restaurant operator.
It is Greene King’s intention to spend approximately £850,000 on the refurbishment of the building, which they intend to operate under their Hungry Horse format. In this regard a Premises Licence Application was made to Trafford on 18.05.2010.
For further information about Greene King and the Hungry Horse format please visit the following websites:
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Clarification regarding sale conditions
THS has been informed there have been a number of parties interested in purchasing the Sale Hotel ranging from public house/restaurant owners to people wishing to restore the building to its original use as a private dwelling. Interested parties may need to clarify different permissions, such as planning permission and licence premises application, depending on their wishes for future use and it is THS's understanding that a number of interested parties would need to seek
various permissions.
THS understands a decision has been made to sell the property to a public house/restaurant operator. As stated above, there is currently a restrictive covenant in force. However, an application for a premises/club premises licence was submitted to Trafford Council on 18th May, regarding which people are able to comment by writing to The Licensing Manager, Trafford Town Hall, Talbot Road, Stretford, M32 0YJ within 28 days of the application.
Saturday, 22 May 2010
Thursday, 20 May 2010
What next?
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
'This town has been sold to Tesco'

Read the whole story online...
Friday, 30 April 2010
Jane Baugh - On regenerating Sale Town Centre
Jane Baugh advocates more flowers, hanging baskets, and planters in order to improve the image of Sale Town Centre.
(Trafford Heritage Society (THS), a non-politically aligned organisation, interviews Jane Baugh. We are grateful for the opportunity Jane has given... us. The opinions expressed in the film are her own and not necessarily those of THS. Other films, including some with people from other political parties are coming soon...)
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Jane Baugh - the importance of Greenspace
Jane Baugh speaks about the importance of Greenspace in the community with particular reference to the Greenspace Strategy proposed by Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council.
(Trafford Heritage Society (THS), a non-politically aligned organisation, interviews Jane Baugh. We are grateful for the opportunity Jane has given us. The opinions expressed in the film are her own and not necessarily those of THS. Other films, including some with people from other political parties are coming soon...)
SAM online: Reopening ceremony for Warrener Street car park in Sale Moor

The Mayor, Cllr David Higgins, cut the ceremonial ribbon on Saturday morning.
This was followed by a host of activities laid on by the Sale Moor Traders Partnership, including stalls, refreshments, a tombola, treasure hunt, games and a raffle.
the event raised more than £1,000 for the Mayor's charity, Stockdales...
Sunday, 25 April 2010
New Life for Warrener Street Car Park

In September 2009, a number of residents and shopkeepers received a letter from a Manchester firm of property experts commissioned by Trafford MBC outlining the instruction to assess the existing amenity of Warrener Street car park and its immediate surroundings, which was at a cost of £5000 to the tax payer. One of the considerations of the assessment was to investigate compulsory purchase orders on the businesses in the immediate vicinity to redevelop the site. The redevelopment considered was a new supermarket.
Trafford Heritage Society conducted a survey of local residents and businesses to ascertain public opinion about the assessment. The overwhelming consensus was for the car park to remain and to remain free, as well as for it to be resurfaced. Trafford Heritage Society then coordinated a petition for local people to indicate their opposition to any redevelopment and to communicate their wish for the car park to remain open, free and for it to be adequately maintained. More than 3000 people signed the petition within a short time.
In November 2009, Trafford MBC then confirmed the site would not be redeveloped. To show their goodwill towards the residents of Sale Moor, the Council agreed to resurface the car park. This was completed in early 2010 and was officially reopened on Saturday by the Mayor Cllr David Higgins.
Sale Moor Traders Partnership provided a range of stalls and activities from local businesses and charities. The event was well attended by local people and council representatives. Matthew Colledge, Leader of Trafford Council said he was delighted to be at the opening and:
People are very pleased that their car park here in Sale Moor has not just been saved but its actually been refurbished as well and its of great benefit to the centre here, its a buzzing centre and we want to keep it that way, which is the whole reason why we have ensured that this work has been done to demonstrate were keen to preserve centres like this to future prosperity.
In response to concerns over future charging, Matthew Colledge said:
I just want to reassure all people; customers, residents and the community there will be no charging on this site. It will remain a free parking site
Trafford Heritage Society is very pleased the Council has listened to the views of the local community and hopes this will continue.
Messenger Newspaper: Sale Moor traders celebrate opening of Warrener Street car park

The Mayor, Cllr David Higgins, will do the honours at 10.30am and this will be followed by a host of activities laid on by the Sale Moor Traders Partnership.
Read the whole story online...
Sunday, 18 April 2010
SAM 15 April 2010

(Trafford Heritage Society is unaligned with any political party)
Saturday, 10 April 2010
The application to build 14 retirement apartments on the site of 85 Broad Road was REFUSED at the 8th of April meeting of the Planning Committee.

Thursday, 8 April 2010
Good News!
Planning Committee will meet tonight
Friday, 26 March 2010
Metro News: Shock at schools closure proposal

Trafford Council proposes to close Worthington Primary School and Templemoor Infant School and merge them with Moorlands Junior School, building larger premises on its current site ...Read the full story online
Thursday, 25 March 2010
This Monday the Trafford Executive committee discussed plans to merge Worthington Road, Moorlands and Templemoor schools into a 'super' school.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Time to let the people speak (85 Broad Road)

Thursday, 18 March 2010
Please sign this petition!

Trafford Heritage Society supports the campaign to prevent this happening for many reasons including support of local shop owners, traffic concerns (the area is congested enough) and concerns that due process has not been followed.
Please take a couple of minutes to register your concerns by signing the petition.
Every signature helps!
Monday, 8 March 2010
Time to let the people speak (85 Broad Road)
Time to let the people speak (85 Broad Road)
Saturday, 6 March 2010
Time to let the people speak (85 Broad Road)
Time to let the people speak (85 Broad Road)
Sunday, 31 January 2010
Political parties back our campaign
We are also delighted to have support for our campaign from the Conservative party, who have told us that they do not support the building of flats on 85 Broad Road. They also told us they will support residents in “opposing unreasonable developments”.
With support from two major political parties, it is hoped our campaign will have the success it deserves.
"...The Labour Councillors for Priory Ward have been concerned about the deteriorating state of this house for some time. However, we have objected to the current planning application as the proposed development is far too large for the site, will cause a loss of privacy and amenity for neighbours and may set a precedent for further developments which will change the character of this area..."
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Time to let the people speak (85 Broad Road)
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Petition time
Petition time
We need your help!
We started a petition for 85 Broad Road. There are proposals at the council to demolish the house that is there at present and to build 13 bed apartments* with 9 parking spaces*. We’re objecting to this on the following grounds:
1. The destruction of an aesthetically pleasing house to build 13 apartments* will not enhance the area
2. The site is not large enough to accommodate sufficient parking for 13 apartments* and their visitors
3. This development would cause more congestion to an area that is already problematic in rush hour times.
4. The site is in a peaceful area with family houses nearby; a 13 bed apartment* would not suit the profile of the area
5. Family accommodation is needed in
6. 13 apartments will not complement the surrounding amenities, such as a school, as these apartments will not be suitable for families
7. We wish to preserve houses, particularly those over 100 years old
So far, there are petitions at:
Hugalls Chemists, Sale Moor
Petrol station, Sale Moor
PLEASE could you go to one of these shops and sign the petition?
There are also leaflets outlining how to object to the proposals are in the Sandwich Box, Café Moorish and Claire Haggerty Optometrist.
Thanks in advance
THS Campaign Team
Please note, it is in fact a block of 14 single and two bed apartments with 7 car parking spaces plus two disabled spaces. The developer lists it as 13 apartments (plus one) and 9 parking spaces, presumably to make it look less daunting.
Monday, 25 January 2010
Time to let the people speak (85 Broad Road)
Friday, 22 January 2010
We do not back flat plans say campaigners

Thursday, 21 January 2010
Sale Hotel gains listed status
Monday, 18 January 2010
Derelict Property at 85 Broad Road
* No justification to demolish a perfectly good family home in favour of flats.
* Allowing flats here will encourage other developers to demolish houses of character in the area for similar purposes
* The proposed structure with 14 apartments on this plot is too large and would be over dominant from every angle.
* Surrounding properties would be significantly overlooked.
* Safety is a key issue - this would be opposite Moorlands Junior School, on a busy crossroads. This will seriously affect the safety of children going to and from school.
* Moving the access to the property from Broad Road to Temple Road has only moved the problem. The entrance would be opposite the School and at peak times will cause significant problems.
* The entrance would run adjacent to a family home which would cause noise and disturbance previously not experienced.
* Parking allocation is insufficient – 7 + 2 disabled spaces for 14 apartments are not enough.
* These types of development are slowly eroding the character of Broad Road.
We have the support of our local Labour Councilors who have already written to object and are keen to establish the views of the Sale Moor Ward Councilors, as many of their residents have children who use this crossing.
Send your letters of objection to: The Heading of Planning and Building Control, Trafford MBC, PO Box 96, Waterside House, Sale Waterside, Sale M33 7ZF before 26th January 2009
Ref: 74438/FULL/2009
Email: development.control@trafford.gov.uk or comment online: